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This page describes how to manage the site with reference to the processing of personal data of users who consult it. The treatment is always based on principles of lawfulness and correctness in compliance with all current regulations and suitable security measures are adopted to protect data.
This privacy policy is also given as a brief information pursuant to Article 13 of Legislative Decree 196/2003 and pursuant to art. 13 GDPR 679/2016 European Regulation on privacy, as well as pursuant to the Provision on cookies n. 229 of 8 May 2014, we wish to inform site visitors about the use of the data entered and the cookies used by the site itself.
The information is also provided pursuant to Recommendation no. 2/2001 adopted by the Working Group established by art. 29 of the directive n. 95/46 / EC. to those who interact with the web services of this site, in order to protect personal data, accessible electronically starting from the address:
By using any of our services and / or by accepting this Policy, for example in the context of registering for one of our services, you consent to the collection and use of Personal Information as described in this Notice.

1) Personal information we collect.
In every occasion of contact or interaction with guests and in all other aspects of our work, we can collect personal information. This personal information may include: your contact information; information about personal characteristics, nationality, passport number and date and place of issue; payment information, such as the payment card number, preferences (with prior consent) of the guest; preferences (with prior consent) regarding marketing and communication; as well as related to your booking.

Collection at our accommodation:
we collect additional personal information during registration / check-in at our hotel including the information required by local laws.

2) Purpose & # 8217; of treatment
The data processing is finalized for the following purposes:
to the management of relations with customers (management of reservations, issuing of receipts, quotes), to carry out any contractual obligations, to manage disputes and to fulfill regulatory obligations, in particular accounting and tax obligations; in a variety of ways, for example to provide and customize the services you request and expect from our accommodation when booking your stay, to offer you the level of hospitality expected in your room and as described in more detail below: < / p>

2a) Inherent to the service:
- sending (with your written consent) promotional offers on our services and updates on rates and offers made by email;
- process, with prior written consent, sensitive data from you voluntarily transmitted in order to offer a better level of hospitality at our facility.

2b) Further purposes
The computer systems and software procedures used to operate this website acquire, during their normal operation, some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of internet communication protocols. This information is not collected to be associated with identified interested parties, but by their very nature could, through processing and association with data held by third parties, allow users to be identified.
This category of data includes the IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by users who connect to the site, the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) ​​addresses of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the response given by the server (successful, error & # 8230 ;.) and other parameters relating to the operating system and the user's computer environment. br /> These data are used for the sole purpose of obtaining anonymous statistical information on the use of the site and to check its correct functioning and are deleted immediately after processing.
The data could also be used to ascertain responsibility in case of hypothetical computer crimes against the site.

This site is managed by the Data Controller, identified in the person of the owner:
Marco Chizzali
Riviera Giacomo Matteotti, 68a
30034 Mira, Venice

The Data Controller guarantees the security, confidentiality and protection of the data in its possession, at any stage of the data processing process.
The collected data are used in compliance with current legislation in privacy (Legislative Decree 196/2003 and GDPR 679/2016)

The data will be processed by the data controller at the headquarters of the B & # 038; B Villa Trotter & # 8211; Riviera Giacomo Matteotti 68a & # 8211; Mira, Venice, 30034.

For the purposes referred to in point 2) in the event of a request for services, the provision of data is mandatory and failure to provide it may make it impossible to obtain what is requested.
For the purposes referred to in point 2a) and 2b) the provision of data it is optional and does not prevent the provision of the requested service.

The interested party may refuse to give the Data Controller his navigation data.
To do this, you must disable it by following the instructions provided by your browser.
Disabling cookies can make navigation of the site's functionality worse.

No data deriving from the web service (therefore navigation data specified above and cookies) is communicated or disseminated (save communication to judicial or police bodies if necessary). The data is processed by the Data Controller and / or by personnel specifically appointed in writing to process the data (administrative staff and persons in charge of relations with the public also external to the Company, persons in charge of managing information systems, including external to the Company who can also perform functions of administrator of the system and in this case, marketing sector personnel also external to the Company, data processors and their collaborators, persons in charge of the specific sector to which a request is addressed, persons in charge of managing the site, also external to the Company, are appointed as such) only if the processing is necessary for the performance of their duties by carrying out only the operations necessary for the performance of the duties themselves.
They can also be processed by data processors (including companies outside the Company that carry out shipping, marketing, and server management and storage activities).
The data provided by the user may be disclosed to subjects for whom there is a disclosure obligation pursuant to law or a disclosure need to assert a just right of the company to the relevant bodies;

The Data is processed for the time necessary to perform the service requested by the User, or required by the purposes described in this document.
The User can always, at any time, request the interruption of the treatment or the deletion and / or limitation of data.

The Data Controller does not transfer personal data to third countries or to international organizations.

With reference to Article 23 of Legislative Decree 196/2003 and to art. 6 of the GDPR 679/16, the interested party can revoke the consent at any time.

With reference to Article 7 of Legislative Decree 196/2003 and to art. 15 "right of access", art. 16 "right of rectification", art. 17 "right to cancellation", art. 18 "right to limitation of treatment", art. 20 "right to portability", Article 21 "right to object to the automated decision-making process of the GDPR 679/2016, the interested party exercises his rights by writing to the Data Controller at the following address:
BED & # 038; BREAKFAST Villa Trotter
Riviera Giacomo Matteotti 68a
Mira, Venice, 30034 (IT)

The interested party has the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority of the state of residence.

The Data Controller does not carry out treatments consisting of automated decision-making processes